✦ 附近学区:University of Calgary. Location: 2 minutes walk to the Brentwood LRT station. Safeway and Co-op are within a 2-minute walk.
✦ 房型户型: 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment
✦ 卧室数量:2
✦ 卫生间数量:2
✦ 是否独立出入:Y
✦ 租期:at least 6 months
✦ 适合租客:students, young professionals
✦ 租金:$2,300/month
✦ 租金是否包含水电: Y include all utilities except Wifi
✦ 是否包含家具:Y fully furnished
✦ 条件限制:no pets, no smoking
✦ 入住时间:available after January 1, 2025