60 Acres by the ocean for sale!!

Edmonton, AB T5L 0X2
For Sale
  • Edmonton, AB T5L 0X2
  • 160,000


Amazing opportunity by the Atlantic Ocean!
Either build your dream home, dream camp, dream cabin OR build a camping resort!
The opportunities are endless in this little piece of Heaven beside Louisbourg, Nova Scotia located in Cape Breton Island. One of the oldest settled places in Canada. Home to the first light house ever built in Canada and home to the second lighthouse ever built on the north American continent. Massively rich history dating back to the earliest 1700's. Major Tourist destination. Home to Fort Louisbourg with original 1700 architecture.
This land is zoned for almost anything and everything! Agriculture, recreational, houses, cabins, camp grounds, gas stations, hotels stores and more! The opportunities are limitless!

I bought the land with plans on building a large scale camp ground operation as the tourism in the area/lack of campgrounds in the area would make this plan a financial success. Since purchasing the property, I had to relocate to Edmonton for work and am forced to sell because I no longer have the time to realize my dream.

The land has two streams that intersect/run through the property. One of those streams is called "6 Mile Brook". The land has a back entrance and a front entrance road/right of way access. Both right of way access need work. The land has had small areas cleared but not finished. I had gravel dump truck loads priced and it's only $500 per dump truck load(delivered). It only costs $300 for a permit to build roads which is refundable from the municipality when you are finished your project.

The land is a 1 minute drive to a fresh water lake and a 2 minute drive to the open ocean.
The fishing is 'phenomenal'.
The property has wild raspberries, wild blueberries and other berries. Foxes, deer, rabbit and more are present on the property.
Louisbourg has small enmities including a convenience store and restaurants, hotel and museums etc. Sydney Nova Scotia is a major populous and is only a 20 minute drive north of the property and has ALL major enmities like Canadian Tire, Home Depo, grocery stores, gyms, schools, university, Doctors, hospital, etc and employment opportunities.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

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  • Size (acres):
  • For Sale By: Owner


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