2 Bedroom Basement apartment near TTC station and GO Train
Separate Entrance 2 Bedroom Basement Apartment Major intersection Midland and st clair Scarborough Go is 8 min walk and Warden and Kennedy TTC busses are short bus rides away Prefer max occupants of 2 people, clean and working professionals
For 2 people it will be 1800 for 3 it will be 2000. Not accepting 4 at this time.
Please to make it simpler for both of us - message with name, occupation, and length you want to rent Dining & study tables and chairs included, Utilities and 1.5 GB internet included. First and last required, employer and previous landlord references. Available April 1st
Please google Midland and St Clair to make sure this intersection is convenient for you to live in.
If Ad is up it means it is available.
Can text or call 647-780-7250